In response to feedback from operational security communities,
CAIDA's source address validation measurement project
( is automatically generating monthly
reports of ASes originating prefixes in BGP for systems from which
we received packets with a spoofed source address.
We are publishing these reports to network and security operations
lists in order to ensure this information reaches operational
contacts in these ASes.

This report summarises tests conducted within usa, can.

Inferred improvements during Mar 2021:
ASN    Name                                           Fixed-By
395092 SHOCK-1                                        2021-03-10
11650  PLDI                                           2021-03-11
5078   ONENET-AS-1                                    2021-03-16
32489  AMANAHA-NEW                                    2021-03-16

Further information for the inferred remediation is available at:

Source Address Validation issues inferred during Mar 2021:
ASN    Name                           First-Spoofed Last-Spoofed
6939   HURRICANE                         2016-02-22   2021-03-17
209    CENTURYLINK-US-LEGACY-QWEST       2016-08-16   2021-03-30
7459   GRANDECOM-AS1                     2016-09-26   2021-03-08
20412  CLARITY-TELECOM                   2016-09-30   2021-03-31
6181   FUSE-NET                          2016-10-10   2021-03-29
11427  TWC-11427-TEXAS                   2016-10-21   2021-03-19
30036  MEDIACOM-ENTERPRISE-BUSINESS      2016-11-16   2021-03-29
22898  ATLINK                            2016-12-16   2021-03-28
63296  AWBROADBAND                       2017-09-01   2021-03-31
546    PARSONS-PGS-1                     2017-11-20   2021-03-31
393564 SPOKANE                           2018-06-05   2021-03-23
33452  RW                                2018-09-19   2021-03-29
20448  VPNTRANET-LLC                     2018-09-20   2021-03-30
5078   ONENET-AS-1                       2020-04-06   2021-03-27
53356  FREE RANGE CLOUD                  2020-05-19   2021-03-13
6391   URBAN-15                          2020-05-29   2021-03-30
11814  DISTRIBUTEL-AS11814               2020-11-22   2021-03-12
208188 PUGET-SOUND-NETWORKS              2020-12-04   2021-03-27
53703  KWIKOM                            2021-01-17   2021-03-11
54527  ASTUTEHOSTING                     2021-02-21   2021-03-22
398836 NP-NETWORKS                       2021-03-12   2021-03-12
56207  Converge                          2021-03-26   2021-03-26
20150  ANYNODE                           2021-03-26   2021-03-26

Further information for these tests where we received spoofed
packets is available at:,can&no_block=1

Please send any feedback or suggestions to

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