On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 8:51 PM Sean Donelan <s...@donelan.com> wrote:
> ERCOT ISO Texas has announced the end of today's emergency energy
> conservation appeal due to a shortage of generation capacity and higher
> than forecasted demand caused by a cold front.
> No this is not an old message. Yep, Texas is having power shortages again
> in mild April weather.

a watch that has been cancelled, not an emergency

Apr 13 2021 19:22:55 CST
Physical Responsive Capability < 2500 MW: ERCOT has cancelled the
following notice: ERCOT is issuing a Watch due to Physical Responsive
Capability being below 2500 MW.

there was no supply shortage in day ahead market (not a generation
capacity shortage)

day-ahead forecast peak was ~2800 MW lower than current-day forecast,
as a result actual load exceeded current-day HSL (High Sustained
Limit). The  gap peaked 340MW at 4pm
https://imgur.com/a/6MW5qU4 (screenshot)

ancillary services (10 minute responsive reserve service, 30 minute
non-spin) were deployed to meet higher than forecast demand and worked
as expected

reserve never dropped under 2300MW which would have triggered an
emergency (EEA-1)

emergency response service (additional generation/load resources
reserved for emergencies) wasn't deployed

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