On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 11:58 AM nanoguser100 via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> wrote:
> I wanted to get the communities' opinion on this.
> Increasingly I have run into 'niche needs' where a client has a few users in 
> a country we don't have a POP, say Estonia.  This is 'mainly' for 
> localization but also in some cases for compliance (some sites REQUIRE an 
> Estonian IP).  With that being said is it common practice to 'fake' 
> Geolocations?  In this case the user legitimately lives in Estonia, they just 
> happen to be using our cloud service in Germany.

If the endpoint (e.g. web server) is physically located in Germany and
you're helping a client misrepresent that it's located in Estonia in
order to evade a legal requirement that it be located in Estonia then
you've made yourself a party to criminal fraud. Do I really need to
explain how bad an idea that is?

If the service is a VPN relay for addresses which are actually being
used in Estonia then what's the problem? You're just a transit for
those IPs. Report the location where the endpoints are, not the

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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