So you are claiming that ARIN has jurisdiction over DoD IP space?

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> On Apr 25, 2021, at 9:13 AM, John Curran <> wrote:
>  Sronan - 
> I’d suggest asking rather than making assertions when it comes to ARIN, as 
> this will avoid propagating existing misinformation in the community. 
> Many US government agencies, including the US Department of Defense, have 
> signed registration services agreements with ARIN.
> From - 
> United States Department of Defense (DoD)   USDDD
> Thanks! 
> /John
> John Curran
> President and CEO
> American Registry for Internet Numbers
>>> On 25 Apr 2021, at 8:54 AM, wrote:
>>> Except these DoD blocks don’t fall under ARIM justification, as they 
>>> predate ARIN. It is very likely that the DoD has never and will never sign 
>>> any sort of ARIN agreement.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 25, 2021, at 3:40 AM, Mel Beckman <> wrote:
>>> Mark,
>>> ARIN rules require every IP space holder to publish accurate — and 
>>> effective —  Admin, Tech, and Abuse POCs. The DOD hasn’t done this, as I 
>>> pointed out, and as you can test for yourself. Your expectation that the 
>>> DOD will “generally comply with all of the expected norms” is sorely naive, 
>>> and already disproven.
>>> As far as “why does anyone on the Internet need to publish to your 
>>> arbitrary standards”, you seem to forget that in the U.S., the government 
>>> is accountable to the People. Where a private company may not have to 
>>> explain its purposes, the government most certainly does in the private 
>>> sector. With these IP spaces being thrust into the civilian realm, yes, 
>>> they owe the citizenry an explanation of their actions, just as they would 
>>> if they had started mounting missile launchers on highway overpasses. It’s 
>>> a direct militarization of a civilian utility. 
>>> Keep in mind that the U.S. Government — under all administrations — has 
>>> shown that it will abuse every technical advantage it can, as long as it 
>>> can do so in secret. Perhaps you’ve forgotten James Clapper, the former 
>>> director of national intelligence, who falsely testified to Congress that 
>>> the government does “not wittingly” collect the telephone records of 
>>> millions of Americans. And he was just the tip of the iceberg. Before 
>>> Clapper under Obama there was the Bush administration’s Stellar Wind" 
>>> warrantless surveillance program. The list of government abuse of civilian 
>>> resources is colossal . 
>>> Fighting against that isn’t political. It’s patriotic.
>>> -mel 
>>>> On Apr 25, 2021, at 12:02 AM, Mark Foster <> wrote:
>>>>>> On 25/04/2021 3:24 am, Mel Beckman wrote:
>>>>> This doesn’t sound good, no matter how you slice it. The lack of 
>>>>> transparency with a civilian resource is troubling at a minimum. I’m 
>>>>> going to bogon this space as a defensive measure, until its real — and 
>>>>> detailed — purpose can be known. The secret places of our government have 
>>>>> proven themselves untrustworthy in the protection of citizens’ data and 
>>>>> networks. They tend to think they know “what’s good for” us.
>>>>> -mel
>>>> Why does anyone on the Internet need to publish to your arbitrary 
>>>> standards, what they intend to do with their IP address ranges?
>>>> Failure to advertise the IP address space to the Internet (until now, 
>>>> perhaps) doesn't make the address space any less legitimate, and though 
>>>> I'd expect the DoD to generally comply with all of the expected norms 
>>>> around BGP arrangements and published whois details, at the end of the 
>>>> day, they can nominate who should originate it from their AS and as long 
>>>> as we can see who owns it.... it's just not our business.
>>>> Any organisation who's used DoD space in a way that's likely to conflict 
>>>> with, well, the DoD, gambled and lost.
>>>> Mark.

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