On 4/28/21 1:50 AM, Mel Beckman wrote:
> NANOG is not the right place to post this. This list is not an “interesting
> news group”, and as fascinating as the patent troll take down is, it has
> nothing to do with operational issues. Read the AUP, if your don’t believe
> me. Item 8:
> Posts of a political, philosophical, or legal nature are prohibited.


Looking at the usage guidelines
https://www.nanog.org/resources/usage-guidelines/, did you notice the section
"How to report a violation of these guidelines"?  #1 states "Subscribers who
are subject to or wish to report a violation of these guidelines should
contact us at admins [at] nanog.org."  Did you make such a complaint?

I didn't notice anything stating reporting it on-list is an option.  In fact
rule #15 seems to prohibit filing complaints on list.  I'm certainly not going
to make a formal complaint over what I'm sure is an out-of-character email.

FWIW, I found this of great interest.  The existence of overly broad patents
such as this harms the entire operator community and internet in general.
Bryan Fields

727-409-1194 - Voice

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