LEdouard Louis wrote:
> Optimum Online business only offer 5 static IP address.
> Where can I buy a block of Internet IP address for Business? How much
> does it cost?
> Most of our devices only require an internal IP address to reach the
> internet,  but we have a Juniper DX for load balancing. 
> We must provide Juniper DX with an internet IP address and point it to
> internal IP address for customers to be able to reach it from the
> internet. this is for testing and development purposes and will expect
> several servers on Load-balancer. The 5 static IP addresses just won't
> be enough.

Get a different ISP. You can't "buy addresses." You can apply to your
RIR for addresses, but it sounds like you wouldn't qualify if your price
range is 5 statics from your ISP. Also see huge debate on arin-ppml
about buying and selling addresses.


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