Hi Jakob, 

but the as-set only checks the origin AS in the announcement, it doesn't
lookup the prefix <-> as relation from RADB/RIPE/Whatever, as i understand it

Or is there some lookup mechanism as Ytti/Mark mentioned?


On Sun, Aug 15, 2021 at 01:46:40AM +0000, Jakob Heitz (jheitz) via NANOG wrote:
> Ytti,
> We have introduced the scalable as-set into the XR route policy language.
> as-path-set does not scale well with 1000's of ASNs.
> Now, you don't need to expand AS-SET into prefix-set, just enter it directly.
> Example:
> as-set test
>   2914,
>   3356,
> end-set
> !
> route-policy sample
>   if as-path originates-from test then
>     pass
>   endif
> end-policy
> If this does not meet your needs and you need improvements, let me know.
> Kind Regards,
> Jakob.
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2021 19:10:23 +0300
> From: Saku Ytti <s...@ytti.fi>
> We just recently learned of a IOS-XR prefix-set limit of 300001 when a
> particular customer AS-SET expanded to a higher number of prefixes.
> -- 
>   ++ytti

Tim Weippert
http://weiti.org - we...@weiti.org
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