
It’s really a problem. Several lineman are maimed or killed every year because 
of DIY ignorance. I’ve already provided one incident. You can easily find more.

It’s virtually impossible for lineman to protect against this risk while 
working. These guys aren’t idiots, they are highly trained professionals. They 
make sure power lines are de-energized from the grid before they touch them, 
but there comes a point where they have to put hands on in order to affect 

It’s while they are doing this hands-on work that some thoughtles homeowner 
decides to fire up his DIY wrongheaded generator, feeding 120 V backwards 
through a cascade of transformers to produce 12,000 or more volts. It takes 
only a few milliamps through the heart to kill someone. But often these 
accidents result in horrific third-degree burns.

We all know people, and we might even be people, who have home generators. I 
suspect many of these use direct attach rather than transfer switches. You 
could help teach them the right thing to do.


> On Aug 25, 2021, at 11:33 AM, wrote:
> Ok, I'll be the curmudgeon...
> Is this really a problem in practice?
> Most people I've known who worked around electrical mains etc assumed
> the worst at all times and it isn't all that difficult to protect
> against as one works.
> I realize one can infinitely invoke "better safe than sorry!", "an
> ounce of prevention...!"
> Except maybe that one guy at Harvard who came to replace what turned
> out to be a 100+ year old, home made, "breaker" which fed our machine
> room which was hidden in a narrow dark hallway winding around our
> machine room behind an unmarked metal, locked doorway. I had no idea
> it existed but we had no power so I called for help.
> It was just a single copper bar about the size of a small candy bar
> tensioned into hot clips. Probably 400A but who remembers.
> He removed the old one confidently enough, grabbed the new one with
> rubber-handled pliers and gloves and...
>  Him: Have you ever played football?
>  Me: Actually, yes, I have, why?
>  Him: If something doesn't look right when I put this thing in just
>  tackle me clear of it as hard and as fast as you can.
>  Me: Um, ok.
> It all worked out fine and I wrote a memo that maybe Harvard could
> spring for a proper $500 breaker box?
> -- 
>        -Barry Shein
> Software Tool & Die    |             | 
> Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: +1 617-STD-WRLD       | 800-THE-WRLD
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