On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 4:33 PM Paul Ebersman <list-nan...@dragon.net>

> randy>
> https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg84yy/data-brokers-netflow-data-team-cymru
> randy> at&t, comcast, ... zayo, please tell us you do not do this.
> aaron> You know they do.
> No, you don't know that.
> The above all certainly collect this info. Not all sell it to anyone who
> asks.

Well, not just anyone who asks. But perhaps some of those who ask. You, for
example, as a random guy, might not have much luck. Various and sundry
other organizations, on the other hand, would likely have much better luck,
were they to pursue such a thing.

Matt Harris|Infrastructure Lead
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