
I know nothing about this case although it sounds like this guy needs to be
stopped. However, let's pretend that I am talking about a completely
different case.

A guy sometime in the past acquired some large blocks of IP addresses. He
was not completely honest at the time so he got more than he should have.
At the time this meant that not all addresses were in use.

Now in 2021 he is profiting from selling or leasing out these addresses.
This is clearly unfair as he lied to get them back then. However this means
the addresses are actually in use _now_.

BUT - how is this so different from what many many other parties have done?
I think we all know some huge ISPs that got much larger blocks than
strictly needed, and which now are profiting directly or indirectly. I am
not even talking about those that got huge blocks back when everyone
thought IPv4 was unlimited. But ISPs that lied about current needs and
exacareted business plans and so on, to get as large blocks as
possible from RIRs.

Yes I understand that the case is also about using blocks in a different
region, but that too is something many others have done.

The guy might be a scoundrel but is he in good company?



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