> On Sep 10, 2021, at 01:39 , Jeroen Massar <jer...@massar.ch> wrote:
>> On 20210909, at 21:55, Owen DeLong via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> wrote:
>>> [..]
>>> Awful lot of red spots even in the top 100.  Hell, even amazon.com
>>> isn't IPv6 yet.  And the long tail is going to be the death of a thousand
>>> cuts for the call center unless you have a way to deal with those sites.
>> This is my point… That is why I think an announcement of “On X date,
>> we will begin charging extra for IPv4 services and define Internet Access
>> to be IPv6” by a couple of the larger eyeball ISPs would light a pretty
>> big fire under those laggards.
> You mean like: https://docs.hetzner.com/general/others/ipv4-pricing/ ?
> yes, a /24 was 0 setup, now now close to 5000 of currency.... and the monthly 
> fee also doubled.
> Noting that 20 for an IPv4 IP is effectively quite cheap with current prices 
> going towards 50+...
> There are thus already a few places that are doing the squish....
> Greets,
> Jeroen

Yes, but it needs to come from a major eyeball ISP to be the motivating
factor that we need here. A minor virtual server host isn’t going to do it.


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