On September 15, 2021 at 13:31 war...@kumari.net (Warren Kumari) wrote:
 > Well, there is the EPO button, which generally does that, and the (variously
 > labeled) HALON/FM-200/GAS FIRE SUPPRESSION/GAS DISCHARGE button, which does 
 > the
 > flashy lights and klangly bell and similar. This is fairly much always 
 > required
 > by code, to give people time to evacuate before the gas dumps and they
 > suffocate.

People don't suffocate from Halon dumps, I've been thru a couple (not
me personally but staff, I was in my office but arrived quickly.)

What is somewhat dangerous about Halon (or likely more modern) fire
suppression dumps is they create like 90mph winds so you're in some
danger from something like a pencil nearby. Hence, cover your face
with your arms or a coat or similar if one is imminent.

It makes a truly impressive mess of a machine room, piles of paper for
example basically tossed out to the walls etc.

But better than a fire. Same for people, better than being roasted
alive or having to breathe burning plastics etc.

People who complain about these systems always seem to pose it like if
it wasn't for the fire suppression system we'd all be much better off,
like if not for these damn lifeboats we could just stay on the ship.

Granted in those two cases nothing very dangerous was going on. Once
it was caused by a nearby security person's walkie-talkie -- yeah, we
proved that by reproducing it tho w/ the hold button pressed so it
wasn't a theory.

        -Barry Shein

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