On 01/10/2021 17:05, Laura Smith via NANOG wrote:
> - $certain_large_cdn publishes routes on route server ? Nope.

Many (most?) route servers provide little control over who your routes
are advertised toward. This can be fun where DDoS is concerned.

I've used some that did have deny-list controls for ASNs, fail to
consistently apply those rules. Again, that was a 'fun' surprise.

> - $certain_large_cdn willing to establish direct peering session ? Nope.

There is a non-zero cost to peering. Many CDNs are happy to send cache
boxes/setup peering sessions for small peers, but their definition of
"small" will no doubt vary between CDNs, based on their perspective &
business costs. Some networks may fall well below each individual
network's thresholds, and indeed some networks may have different
thresholds between countries.

It's never as simple as "why don't you peer???????"



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