On 10/5/21 15:40, Mark Tinka wrote:

I don't disagree with you one bit. It's for that exact reason that we built:


... not for us, but specifically for other random network operators around the world whom we may never get to drink a crate of wine with.

I have to say that it has likely cut e-mails to our NOC as well as overall pain in half, if not more.

What I forgot to add, however, is that unlike Facebook, we aren't a major content provider. So we don't have a need to parallel our DNS resiliency with our service resiliency, in terms of 3rd party infrastructure. If our network were to melt, we'll already be getting it from our eyeballs.

If we had content of note that was useful to, say, a handful-billion people around the world, we'd give some thought - however complex - to having critical services running on 3rd party infrastructure.


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