Not only do we create  "less usable" v4 address space, if these guys
had a clue, and what ever you think of them with $$ envolved clue will
be found... they will just add more IP's from diffrent block, further
'wasting' IP space.


On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Martin Hannigan
<> wrote:
> >From a strictly operational perspective:
> The only concern that I had with that request was with the v4 address
> blocking. That ought to be rethought in the grand scheme of things i.e. v4
> exhaustion.  There's a reasonable case to make regarding not tainting hosts
> or specific blocks in this manner. Creating "less usable" v4 resources as we
> approach exhaustion is not helpful, IMHO.
> Best Regards,
> Martin
>> 2009/5/4 John Levine <>:
>>>> Not withstanding the legality of such an order, how would one
>>>>> operationally enforce that order?
>>>> The order has a list of IP addresses, so I expect the ISPs will just
>>>> block those IPs in routers somewhere.
>>>> Since offshore online gambling is equally illegal everywhere in the
>>>> U.S., the ISPs have little reason to limit the block to Minnesota
>>>> customers, giving them a lot of latitude in where they implement the
>>>> block.
> --
> Martin Hannigan                     
> p: +16178216079
> Power, Network, and Costs Consulting for Iceland Datacenters and Occupants

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