Yeah.. I mean people couldn't get stuck in the DoomScroll, so they chose to
do something else. I'm sure plenty of people did something besides Netflix.

On Fri, Oct 8, 2021 at 10:35 AM Steven Bakker via NANOG <>

> Hi Mark,
> On Fri, 2021-10-08 at 16:18 +0200, Mark Tinka wrote:
> Could Netflix, perhaps, play a part in mitigating the increasing impact of
> social media addiction in teenagers, whose young brains aren't developed
> enough to have sufficient executive control, impulse control and good
> judgement?
> My inner cynic is interpreting this data a bit differently. Instead of
> going out for a walk or just engage in the gentle art of doing nothing, the
> social media users need something to keep their minds distracted from the
> here and now. Anything to avoid having to do any kind of self-reflection
> or, heaven forbid, live in the moment. And I fear that it doesn't apply to
> adolescents only...
> Best,
> Steven

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