> On 11 Oct 2021, at 6:33 am, Matthew Petach <mpet...@netflight.com> wrote:
> […] Facebook, Microsoft, and Amazon all caved to SK's demands:
> I will note that my $previous_employer was a top-10 web content provider 
> that did *not* pay SK Broadband.  Not all the content providers caved 
> to SKB.

The situation in South Korea between content providers and broadband providers 
has a long history. Back in early 2012 Korea Telecom implemented a block on 
Samsung’s “smart TV” models because they had a streaming high def content 
service that KT claimed that was saturating their broadband network. According 
to KT, Samsung opted to take a "very negative response" to KT's actions. 
Samsung obtained a court injunction to lift KT's block on their TVs and an 
associated court order for KT and Samsung to enter into arbitration. At the 
same time Samsung filed a lawsuit against KT. In due course the temperature of 
the dispute abated and all the parties backed down. KT discontinued its block, 
and Samsung dropped its lawsuit. However, there was evidently some residual bad 
feeling here as Samsung expressed their desire for the national regulator to 
convey a "strict warning" to KT over its actions.

You have to wonder if the major difference some nine years later is that while 
Samsung is a Korean business, Netflix is a ‘foreign’ entity, and perhaps the 
broadband ISPs feel that the Korean legal actions in this round will have a 
different outcome and favour the local ISP enterprises over the foreign 

I have to agree with Doug Barton's earlier observation is that the base problem 
is that the ISPs are using a flawed business model and they don't want to 
charge their customers what it really costs to provide them with high speed 
access, nor do they want to fund additional back-end capacity in their network 
without some form of offset revenue stream.


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