----- On Oct 11, 2021, at 12:58 AM, Mark Tinka mark@tinka.africa wrote:


> However, in an era where content is making a push to get as close to the
> eyeballs as possible, kit getting cheaper and faster because of merchant
> silicon, and abundance of aggregated capacity at exchange points, can we
> leverage the shorter, faster links to change the model?

Yes, let's go back to 2003. The ISP I worked for at that time was one of 
the first in the country (if not the first) to host Akamai's caching servers.

Ten years later I worked on a project where Akamai caching was embedded in
subscriber management routers. It was announced, but never productized. This
concept would have brought caching as close to the subscriber as possible.

Today, with the widespread use of HTTPS, something like this is just not




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