On Friday, 22 October, 2021 16:45, "Bryan Fields" <br...@bryanfields.net> said:

> Until IPv6 becomes provides a way to make money for the ISP, I don't see it
> being offered outside of the datacenter.

I don't think it'll ever make money, but I think it will reduce costs.  CGNAT 
boxes cost money, operating them costs money, dealing with the support fallout 
from them costs money.  Especially in the residential space, where essentially 
if the customer calls you, ever, you just blew years' worth of margin.

My residential ISP here in the UK routes me (and every other subscriber) a /56 
without being asked.  (Their supplied CPE router just puts the first /64 on the 
LAN and refuses to process PD requests to hand out any of the other /64s, but 
baby steps...)


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