Hi NANOGers, for our research on ROV (and ROV++, our extension, NDSS'21),
we need access to historical data of blacklisted prefixes (due to spam,
DDoS, other), as well as suspect-hijacks list (beyond BGPstream which we
already have).

Basically we want to measure if the overlap (and non-overlap) btw such
`suspect' prefixes and ROV-Invalid prefixes.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm not sure the list would be interested so
I recommend you respond to me privately; if there are useful responses, I
could post a summary to the list after few days (of collecting responses,
if any).

thanks and regards... Amir
Amir Herzberg

Comcast professor of Security Innovations, Computer Science and
Engineering, University of Connecticut
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/amirherzberg/home
`Applied Introduction to Cryptography' textbook and lectures:

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