On Mon, Mar 14, 2022 at 1:23 PM Daryl G. Jurbala <da...@introspect.net>

> The last time I worked with vMX was several years ago.  The image was
> outdated to the point of having to fire up an older version of VMWare to
> export the two VMs so I could import them back into 6.  The
> documentation barely existed.  I had to figure out which vmware adapters
> corresponded to which vMX adapters.  No one really seemed to be able to
> help at Juniper, even though we ended up licensing the things so we were
> "real" customers of this product.
> It looked a lot lot an abandoned project.  So unless something has
> changed in the last few years it's not looking good.

Interesting. I haven't had an opportunity to try vMX because of its lack of
Hyper-V support, but we do run vSRX in production quite a bit including
junos versions from 17.x up to 21.x. It's kind of janky on Hyper-V but
works overall (the main issue being very very long boot times - 15+ minutes
to get up and running), but we also run it on KVM on Linux with the "vSRX3"
images, and that works a lot better. The vSRX3 images on KVM, I personally
haven't run into any issues with. The licensing costs are pretty
reasonable, too, imho.

Good luck with what you're trying to accomplish: maybe give the vSRX series
a shot if you're running on KVM.

 - mdh

Matt Harris|Infrastructure Lead
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