yes, because otherwise the contention (it's a shared access media, after
all) and RF channel bonding/allocation wouldn't work. Configuration depends
on what the exact CMTS configuration is on your last mile coax segment.

however it's also possible to have the cable MSO push an update to
cablemodems which locks out a read-only diagnostics/info page that would
otherwise be available.

On Fri, 25 Mar 2022 at 13:47, Michael Thomas <> wrote:

> On 3/24/22 12:53 PM, Tom Beecher wrote:
> > You don't even have to use their equipment. My provider at home is
> > Charter / Spectrum. I own my own cable modem  / router ,they have no
> > equipment in my home. Their privacy policy is pretty standard.
> > Essentially :
> > - Anything they can see that I transmit they will collect.
> > - Anything they can see when I use their apps , even if I'm not on
> > their network, they will collect.
> > - They will use that information for their technical and business
> > reasons, whatever they want.
> > - I am very limited in what I can request that they don't collect or use.
> >
> > None of this is new in the US. I think more people care about
> > this than we think, but people don't really have an option to vote
> > with their wallets.
> Even if you own your modem, the DOCSIS specs require that it be
> completely controlled by the MSO, right?
> Mike

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