On 5/13/22 23:16, Jakob Heitz (jheitz) via NANOG wrote:

'RPKI-tested-only' will store all routes that encounter a 'validation-state' 
in the inbound route policy. In that case, when an RPKI server updates a VRP to 
router, it can re-run the inbound policy from the stored route and not require a
refresh request to be sent.

This option saves memory if you use a coarse filter in the route-policy before
the validation test. For example, you use a peer-locking filter to drop peer
routes from your customers before they hit the validation-state test. Then
a massive route leak won't chew up soft-reconfiguration memory.

If a validation-state test drops a route and that route is not stored by
soft-reconfiguration, then when the RPKI server updates any VRP, the router
needs to send a route-refresh request.

'RPKI-dropped-only' causes the dropped routes to be stored. This will prevent
the unnecessary route-refreshes described above. It does not prevent all
route-refreshes, but uses significantly less memory than 'RPKI-tested-only'

Jakob, thank you and your team for quickly implementing this. It is most appreciated.

I hope someone from the IOS XE team is working on it, too :-).


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