On 10/20/22 17:50, Adam Thompson wrote:
Alternately, a valid technique is to have a default route AND a partial BGP 
feed (a filtered full feed is by definition a partial feed).  That helps 
optimize outbound routing a little bit, you still get the advantage - mostly - 
of multiple inbound carriers; but you still have to pick one carrier to do the 
heavy lifting for you.  And you are paying them to route for you, so that's not 
an unfair shifting of the routing burden, unlike relying on covering routes.  
Note that this approach does NOT provide any redundancy, unlike having full BGP 

As a note, you can get redundancy (but still none of the best-path advantages of having multiple transits) by asking your transits to originate default in their BGP feed and then selectively accepting it. You can either ECMP it or pick priority with localpref.

You need multiple full-view transits for this to work, though.

Brandon Martin

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