I did see the info from additional section, but:

Afaik the additional section is not an answer, they're just additional
info, not an authorized answer from the queried name server. I'm
expecting to get a reply for my 'A' query in the 'answer section'.

Now, from the 'authority section' dig is telling me that I can get the
authorize answer from ns1.push.mobi. But isn't that circular


On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Scott Howard <sc...@doc.net.au> wrote:
> Did you check the "ADDITIONAL SECTION" in what you've pasted below?
>   Scott.
> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 11:06 PM, Anton Zimm <anton.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm looking for glue record for ns1.push.mobi so I ask one of the root
>> name server.
>> It gives me the list of dot mobi authorized name servers.
>> I'm expecting it to be answered by one of the mobi tld authorized name
>> servers, but it's telling me that it delegates the answer to
>> ns1.push.mobi instead. It does not make sense for me because how can I
>> ask ns1.push.mobi if I don't know its ip address yet...
>> Clue please..?
>> -----
>> a...@hollywood:~$ dig @B2.MOBI.AFILIAS-NST.ORG. ns1.push.mobi
>> ....
>> ;ns1.push.mobi.                 IN      A
>> push.mobi.              86400   IN      NS      ns1.push.mobi.
>> push.mobi.              86400   IN      NS      ns2.push.mobi.
>> ns1.push.mobi.          86400   IN      A
>> ns2.push.mobi.          86400   IN      A
>> -----
>> best,
>> Anton.

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