On 4/15/23 03:06, Sean Donelan wrote:

If both PV battery walls and broadband CPE supported Power-Over-Ethernet as a backup power source, that would work too.  POE supports greater distances than USB-C.

Well, you generally want to only power your devices off the battery if you are unable to generate power from PV, or if you have a grid outage.

The other issue is if you also want to use the grid as a charge source for the battery, you are going to need an inverter, in which case attaching DC loads to a DC bus that contains both the battery and a standard, el-cheapo hybrid inverter makes things tricky.

If you don't want to use the grid for anything, then your main source of charge current would be PV. If it's a 48V battery, you will need something else to step that voltage down for devices on the DC bus that require less than 48VDC.


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