I’m in the northeast and I can confirm on a Spectrum Enterprise connection I 
have issues tracerouting to 2604:1380:4641:c500::1.

Gets to e0-33.core1.nyc7.he.net and then packets just disappear:

              Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1. _gateway                                                                    
               0.0%   108    1.0   1.7   0.8  26.3   3.3
 2. 2602:XXX:XXXX:X::X                                                          
               0.0%   108    4.4   6.6   4.2  27.9   4.0
 3. 2602:XXX:XXXX:X::XXX                                                        
               0.0%   108    3.1   3.0   3.0   3.5   0.0
 4. 2604:XXXX:X:X::X:XXXX                                                       
               0.0%   108    5.2   4.8   3.3  37.1   5.0
 5. lag-15.srspny0101h.netops.charter.com                                       
               0.0%   108    3.9  20.8   3.6 371.6  45.4
 6. lag-32.albynyyf02r.netops.charter.com                                       
              44.4%   108    4.9   4.9   4.8   5.5   0.1
 7. lag-26.rcr01albynyyf.netops.charter.com                                     
              80.4%   108    5.1   5.3   5.0   7.7   0.6
 8. lag-416.nycmny837aw-bcr00.netops.charter.com                                
              57.9%   108   37.4  14.5  12.7  54.4   7.1
 9. lag-1.pr2.nyc20.netops.charter.com                                          
               0.0%   108   49.8  17.1  12.3  65.7  11.0
10. e0-33.core1.nyc7.he.net                                                     
               0.0%   108   12.9  13.2  12.8  19.8   0.7
11. (waiting for reply)

Trying from another network and I was able to get through:

              Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1. ca.tor.ix.caramelfox.net                                                    
               0.0%    25   45.7  45.9  43.9  50.9   2.0
 2. (waiting for reply)
 3. (waiting for reply)
 4. ve955.core2.stl1.he.net                                                     
              56.0%    25   62.0  63.9  62.0  67.6   2.0
 5. (waiting for reply)
 6. (waiting for reply)
 7. (waiting for reply)
 8. equinix-ix.dfw2.packet.net                                                  
               0.0%    25   81.2  86.0  77.8 103.3   8.4
 9. (waiting for reply)
10. (waiting for reply)
11. dfw.source.kernel.org                                                       
               0.0%    24   77.6  78.1  77.0  82.5   1.1

Maybe something in Hurricane Electric’s network potentially not getting these 
packets where they need to go?

> On Apr 26, 2023, at 5:27 PM, Jeff P <je...@jeffp.us> wrote:
> For what it's worth, on Spectrum Residential here in LAX and I can reach 
> ip6echo.net and Google's public ipv6.google.com sites via residential 
> service...  I have my own modems and routers, which may make the difference 
> in my case... Spectrum does indicate that IPv6 my need to be enabled on their 
> routers... 
> https://www.spectrum.net/support/internet/ipv6-faq
> jeffp@jeffp-Linux:~$ ping -6 ip6echo.net 
> PING ip6echo.net(ip6echo.net (2600:5c01:f876:10::53)) 56 data bytes 
> 64 bytes from ip6echo.net (2600:5c01:f876:10::53): icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 
> time=76.1 ms 
> 64 bytes from ip6echo.net (2600:5c01:f876:10::53): icmp_seq=2 ttl=51 
> time=78.4 ms 
> 64 bytes from ip6echo.net (2600:5c01:f876:10::53): icmp_seq=3 ttl=51 
> time=76.5 ms
> jeffp@jeffp-Linux:~$ ping -6 ipv6.google.com 
> PING ipv6.google.com(lax31s06-in-x0e.1e100.net (2607:f8b0:4007:811::200e)) 56 
> data bytes 
> 64 bytes from lax31s06-in-x0e.1e100.net (2607:f8b0:4007:811::200e): 
> icmp_seq=1 ttl=116 time=12.6 ms 
> 64 bytes from lax31s06-in-x0e.1e100.net (2607:f8b0:4007:811::200e): 
> icmp_seq=2 ttl=116 time=14.4 ms 
> I normally use the Google IPv6 site for such tests to avoid irritating 
> private hosts, so a big thanks to Brandon for offering that alternative!
> Jeffp
> On 4/26/23 10:46, Saunders, Brandon wrote:
>> If it is helpful, I am on Spectrum in Ohio and I can reach that address from 
>> my IPv6 test system.  This is on a commercial account with a provider 
>> assigned network.  My system is at ip6echo.net.  You are welcome to ping and 
>> traceroute to it if that is helpful to you.  
>> A friend CANNOT get to that address from a Spectrum residential account also 
>> in my area.
>> Brandon
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: NANOG <nanog-bounces+saundeb1=ohio....@nanog.org> 
>> <mailto:nanog-bounces+saundeb1=ohio....@nanog.org> On Behalf Of Tom Rini
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 2:13 PM
>> To: nanog@nanog.org <mailto:nanog@nanog.org>
>> Subject: [External] Spectrum networks IPv6 access issue
>> Use caution with links and attachments.
>> Hey all,
>> I'm posting this here in hopes of getting the attention of someone that can 
>> get this issue resolved, or at least an internal ticket filed. I've tried 
>> the customer-facing tech support and not been able to get such a thing done.
>> In short, from within Spectrum's US IPv6 network (verified in both North 
>> Carolina and Ohio), dfw.source.kernel.org (2604:1380:4641:c500::1) is 
>> unreachable and connections time out. This site is otherwise fine and 
>> globally accessible via IPv6, tested on both Qwest and T-Mobile hosted 
>> systems.  This is a regression from some time in early April this year.
>> --
>> Tom
> -- 
> JeffP
> "It is not for me to place expectations on someone and fail them for not 
> meeting them. It's my goal to encourage others to raise their expectations of 
> themselves, to educate them and help them gain the skills needed to meet 
> their goals and encourage them to succeed in attaining them."

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