Hi All,

Did this issue resurface some days ago...?
I had nearly 6000 ROAs on June 1st.
That went to ZERO on June 2nd.

I'm using routinator. Should i have changed something in my config to accomodate for some change?

Best Regards,

On Sun, 20 Nov 2022, Cedrick Adrien Mbeyet wrote:

Hi Job,

Thank you for this good analysis and for sharing your findings.
The issue has since been fixed and the team will publish a post-mortem 
accordingly once we are done with making sure the issue will not
Your recommendation is well noted and I cc my colleague so that they can take 
that into consideration in our improvement roadmap.
Best regards,

Cedrick Adrien MBEYET
Ebene Cybercity, Mauritius
+230 5851 7674

+++ Never give up, Keep moving forward +++

On Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 3:49 PM Job Snijders via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> wrote:
      Hi all,

      It appears PacketVis correctly identified an issue.

      AFRINIC's self-signed root AfriNIC.cer [1] points via its SIA to
      'afrinic-ca.cer' [2] which in turn references a RPKI Manifest named

      The K1eJenypZMPIt_e92qek2jSpj4A Manifest lists 499 Certificate
      Authorities. This Manifest represents the demarcation point between
      "Afrinic as root CA operator" and "Afrinic hosting rpki on behalf of its
      members". In other words; this is an important top-level Manifest in the
      critical path towards the ROAs of the Afrinic members.

      There was a ~ 7 hour gap in the validity window of this Manifest and its
      companion CRL (from 20221120T000311Z until 20221120T071514Z). The
      serials 1E19 and 1E1A (respectively 12B2 and 12B3) are successive.

          CRL Serial Number:        1E19
          CRL valid since:          Nov 18 00:03:11 2022 GMT
          CRL valid until:          Nov 20 00:03:11 2022 GMT

          CRL Serial Number:        1E1A
          CRL valid since:          Nov 20 07:15:12 2022 GMT
          CRL valid until:          Nov 22 07:15:12 2022 GMT

          Manifest Number:          12B2
          Manifest valid since:     Nov 18 00:03:13 2022 GMT
          Manifest valid until:     Nov 20 00:03:13 2022 GMT

          Manifest Number:          12B3
          Manifest valid since:     Nov 20 07:15:14 2022 GMT
          Manifest valid until:     Nov 22 07:15:14 2022 GMT

      (The above can be reconstructed using archives from 

      The rcynic validator hosted at Afrinic also noticed a gap in objects:

      A possible recommendation might be to increase the validity window of
      these two objects from a sliding 48-hour window to a 1 or 2 week window.
      This way any stalling in the issuance process wouldn't case operational
      issues on the weekend.

      Kind regards,


      [1]: SKI EB:68:0F:38:F5:D6:C7:1B:B4:B1:06:B8:BD:06:58:50:12:DA:31:B6
      [2]: SKI 2B:57:89:7A:7C:A9:64:C3:C8:B7:F7:BD:DA:A7:A4:DA:34:A9:8F:80

      On Sat, Nov 19, 2022 at 08:36:23PM -0800, Randy Bush wrote:
      > From: PacketVis <notificati...@packetvis.com>
      > Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2022 04:30:44 +0000
      > Possible TA malfunction or incomplete VRP file: 73.95% of the ROAs 
disappeared from afrinic
      > See more details about the event:

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