*VIDEO - NANOG Talks to Seattle Community Network*
*NANOG Talks to SCN About Connecting the Underserved Across Puget Sound*

*The Seattle Community Network (SCN) is an Internet built by the community
for the community.*

NANOG Executive Director Edward McNair sat down with a volunteer of SCN +
Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science at the University of
Washington, Esther Jang, at our most recent meeting, NANOG 88 (Seattle, Wa,
12 - 14 Jun) to discuss the mission of SCN and how they are connecting +
empowering underserved regions locally.


*Guest Column: Geoff Huston "The Source of Time, According to a
*Exploring the Definition of Time from Early Astronomical Observations to
its use in the Internet Today*

An underappreciated aspect of our digital infrastructure is how dependent
we are on time.

Disrupting time leads to communication disruption and can result in various
forms of service compromise. A synchronized view of the time is essential
to the Internet's service platform.


*Upcoming Fall Online Course*
*Fundamentals of Designing and Deploying Computer Networks*

*Date: *11 September –  20 October 2023
*Title:* Fundamentals of Designing and Deploying Computer Networks

*Description:* This course will discuss the fundamentals of networking,
Ethernet, and WIFI technologies. It will additionally teach the planning,
design, and deployment of simple LANs and cover how to connect a LAN to the
Internet. The course will also present the most common ways to connect a
LAN to the Internet (Mobile Internet, ADSL, Fiber) and how to set up the

*MORE INFO * <https://www.internetsociety.org/learning/ddcn/>

*Video of the Week*
*Deploying a Backbone in APAC with Pierre-Yves Maunier*

Maunier discusses what his team learned and changed during their multi-year
journey expanding their network footprint in the Asia Pacific region.

He will speak about the challenges they faced, their mistakes, and how they
worked around them with various iterations of their deployment.

*WATCH NOW * <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS9xsOPCVHI&t=217s>

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