Wow... There is some serious learning about the internet to be done here!

When Randy was deploying IPv6 across the IIJ backbone, I was running around
in kindergarten. I didn't even know what the internet was back then.

Amazing what can happen in 26 years...

Christopher Hawker

On Sat, 13 Jan 2024 at 09:35, Abraham Y. Chen <> wrote:

> Hi, Randy:
> 1)    " ... dual-stack mess ...   it was intended. it was the original
> transition plan. ":
>     Perhaps you are too young to realize that the original IPv6 plan was
> not designed to be backward compatible to IPv4, and Dual-Stack was
> developed (through some iterations) to bridge the transition between IPv4
> and IPv6? You may want to spend a few moments to read some history on this.
> Regards,
> Abe (2024-01-12 17:34)
> On 2024-01-12 00:11, Randy Bush wrote:
> We don't need to extend IPv4, we need to figure out why we are in this
> dual-stack mess, which was never intended, and how to get out of it.
> it was intended.  it was the original transition plan.  like many things
> about ipv6, it could have been a bit better thought out.
> randy
> <>
> <>
> <#m_-2764172948748324147_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

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