On 2/12/24 06:16, mehmet at akcin.net (Mehmet) wrote:
Hey there

Is it possible to connect Any2 IX from Equinix LA?

Yes, its possible but might not make financial sense.

You will need a connection from Equinix Los Angeles (any of their 7 datacenters) over to any of CoreSite's datacenters (any of their 3).

The fee for this is more expensive then a traditional "cross connect" in that you will be using an on-net carrier that exists in both Equinix and CoreSite to provide you a layer 2 connection.

This could be anyone like Cogent, Zayo, etc. Or a dark fiber service like American Dark Fiber[1]. Or even another customer who has a presence in both.

The lowest cost would be to find another customer who has a presence in both and leverage an existing connection they have.

Sadly, this is only half the battle. Once you get a connection from Equinix to CoreSite, you need to contact CoreSite sales to get on the Any2West.

If you have a cabinet at any of CoreSite's datacenter, this is a simple cross connect fee to Any2West.

However if you do *not* have a cabinet, then you can connect to Any2West via a "Remote Connection." A remote connection will allow you to connect to Any2West directly from an on-net carrier. CoreSite will charge you a monthly fee for this, on top of what ever it costs you to get a layer 2 connection from Equinix to CoreSite.

Run the math and see if it makes sense to get a cabinet at CoreSite vs a remote connection. In our case, the cost was about the same.

As someone who has a cabinet next door to One Wilshire, all the cross connects and layer 2 fees got very expensive.

OneWilshire used to be the place to be, is this still the case? I see in
peeringdb Equinix has added a lot of networks.

From my experience, Any2West[2] is still the most connected IXP for SoCal. The Equinix IXP[3] is closely matched when you look at the total number of members but also who is on there.

Here are other IXPs in SoCal that you may want to take a look at.

MegaIX Los Angeles[5]
NYIIX Los Angeles[6]

MorePeering / Peering.LA [7] -- this one looks interesting as it appears to be under development but community driven one.

Note: Some of these IXP require a monthly fee to join, on top of a cross connect fee an on-net carrier fee depending on where their POPs are.

Appreciate if someone with recent experience to share their
recommendations. The goal is to reach as many as asian isps thru pni/ix

Look at the BBIX IXP[4] and see if any of those members are interesting to you.

[1]: https://americandarkfiber.com/
[2]: https://www.peeringdb.com/ix/142
[3]: https://www.peeringdb.com/ix/4
[4]: https://www.peeringdb.com/ix/3185
[5]: https://www.peeringdb.com/ix/1175
[6]: https://www.peeringdb.com/ix/23
[7]: https://www.peeringdb.com/ix/4309

Hope this helps!

Adam Brenner

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