For me it is some AS 6167 destinations.
WHOIS for that ASN says this is Verizon Business.

AS Number:      6167

Org Name:       Verizon Business

I am not sure how I am supposed to accurately or authoritatively discern the 
differences in specific IP prefixes (or ASNs) as to whether they are are used 
in the Verizon Wireless, Verizon Business, Verizon XYZ, etc.
I am also not sure what the value would be understanding the difference as I 
have zero contacts at any Verizon entity: Wireless, Business, or any other.

I imagine at some level, there is a parent Verizon umbrella organization that 
is ultimately responsible for all underling organizations/divisions but I am 
not particularly interested in trying to pick apart the business silos of 
Verizon and then from there trying to chase down specific Verizon entity 
contacts to try and figure out who, might be the right contact to look into 
this. I have made efforts, prior to this NANOG thread even starting, to get 
this issue rectified but I have had zero luck so far getting any appropriate 
person at Verizon to take notice.

It kind of feels like trying to reach out to some company regarding a 
geolocation or IP-reputation type issue... just a lot of "Sorry, I don't know. 
try this other group that you already talked to" or simply "piss off" type 
responses. Both of which I have received in sizable quantities. Now that my 
brain is on that tangent, my favorite geolocation response was when I was told 
"your ISP needs to set the correct bits in the IP packets to designate the 
traffic as coming from the correct geography." I laughed and I cried at that 

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Laager 
To: Justin Krejci 
Subject: Re: Verizon Business Contact
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2024 20:41:04 -0600

On 2024-02-09 18:10, Justin Krejci wrote:

For a good long while (months) we have had similar issues with various Verizon 

Only Verizon Wireless destinations, or other Verizon Business things?

As of today, I'm told (via an upstream provider) that Verizon Business says 
this is a Verizon Wireless issue.

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