Once upon a time, michael brooks - ESC <michael.bro...@adams12.org> said:
> Strap in for an "I remember when" ...

My Cisco TAC experiences (which were few) were not great... probably
around 2000 I opened a case with all the details, it was assigned, and
promptly closed "can't reproduce".  I didn't have a real lab setup, but
I hauled a spare 7500 and 2924 to my cube, loaded the exact versions in
the ticket, set the config from the ticket, and easily reproduced.
Reopened the ticket and that time they could reproduce it (I believe
they didn't even try the first time) and eventually I got a fix.

The early days of Juniper were much better; I hit a bug and ended up on
a call with the actual developer.  I did have to read an RFC section to
them, but they did then acknowledge the mistake and fix it.  My SE sent
me an SSG for that one. :)  Later Juniper could be hit or miss; I did
have a JTAC engineer go extra to help me with a work-around to an
obscure issue.

Chris Adams <c...@cmadams.net>

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