Michael J McCafferty wrote:
On Wed, 2009-06-17 at 18:38 -0700, sean head wrote:
Nathan Ward wrote:
On 18/06/2009, at 1:31 PM, Michael J McCafferty wrote:

    I'd be OK if we were in a facility that was only average in terms of
noise, but we are not. I need an exceptional phone for the data center.
Something that doesn't transmit the horrible background noise to the
other end, and something that is loud without being painful for the user
of this phone. Cordless would be very fine, headset is excellent.
Ordinary desk phone is OK... but the most important thing is that it
works for clear communication. A loud ringer would great too... but if
the best phone doesn't have one, I'll get an auxiliary ringer.

    Does anyone have a phone model that they find to be excellent in a
louder than usual data center?
Not 100% what you asked for, but the noise cancelling Jawbone
bluetooth earpieces are great.

Nathan Ward

Cordless phone that does bluetooth + jawbone was the first thing that
popped into my head as well.


Hmm... I actually have one of those... but when my car came with
built-in Bluetooth speaker phone, I haven't used it since. I'll dig it
up and I'll try it out in the data center for the near-term. I'd rather
a real headset that doesn't feel like it's falling out of my ear and
something that other people can use too. I have had a couple pretty good
suggestions off-list  so far that are over the ear solutions. Keep `em

I haven't actually used one of these but the acoustic background noise cancelling, rather than an electronic solution is intriguing...

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