Will Orton wrote:
We have an old Wiltel DS3 homed from their Anaheim POP... all traffic that's not going to destinations on the old 7911 backbone seems to be backhauled to Level3 in San Jose before getting anywhere else, like so:

 1  (internal)
 2  (internal)
 3  (internal)
 4  anhmca1wcx1-atm10-0-0.wcg.net (  8.017 ms  8.596 ms  8.138 ms
 5  anhmca1wcx3-oc48.wcg.net (  9.325 ms  8.056 ms  9.485 ms
 6 (  79.108 ms  251.438 ms  222.596 ms
 7 (  16.357 ms  16.167 ms  17.004 ms
 8  te-3-2-70.car4.SanJose1.Level3.net (  12.568 ms  13.195 ms  
13.384 ms

So they don't seem to interconnect 7911 and 3356 in Los Angeles. We complained about this a year ago and they basically said, "tough, you bought IP transit, we're giving you IP transit".

Anyway, so in the meantime we bougt a new gig-e to 3356 in San Jose...

 1  (internal)
 2  (internal)
 3  (internal)
 4  (internal)
 5  ge-x-x.car4.SanJose1.Level3.net (4.71.x.x)  9.063 ms  7.780 ms  8.460 ms

We have had the same issues with the Broadwing network. Our OC-3 connections are in Wyoming and they lugged everything through Salt Lake and then to San Jose adding about 30 - 50 ms. We placed orders with Level 3 to move them onto the Level 3 POP's last year and so far we have one of them up that they finished last week.

So it almost looks like my gig-e in San Jose is off the same router they backhaul 7911/Anaheim via.

I wouldn't take a new connection to 7911 unless you're okay with this sort of thing. Performance has been fine other than the 5-10ms of extra latency, but the asthetics bug me more than anything. If they communicated more about what they're doing on the 7911 net and what the PLAN is for transitioning things, I'd be happier. But it's been this way for years now so we're just disconencting the old one, which is probably what they're waiting for everyone to do rather than really merge the networks.


On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 11:15:42PM -0700, Scott Howard wrote:
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 23:15:42 -0700
Subject: Level 3 - "legacy" Wiltel/Looking Glass bandwidth
From: Scott Howard <sc...@doc.net.au>
To: nanog@nanog.org

We're looking at getting connectivity via Level 3 in a particular
datacenter, but we're being told that it's "legacy Wiltel/Looking Glass"
rather than "true" Level 3.

Given that both of these acquisitions occurred years ago should I be
worried, or is this "legacy" connectivity the same as L3 at any other


We have also had the fun of the musical sales reps as we are on our 4th one since they took of Broadwing...

Eric Nowland
Sr Network Engineer

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