On Jul 5, 2009, at 6:12 AM, Adrian Chadd wrote:

On Sun, Jul 05, 2009, Roland Perry wrote:

Unfortunately, the number of students polling the website for news means it can't cope with the traffic. I don't believe they can justify paying more for better web hosting, just to manage this once-a-year half hour

Is Twitter making a profit or not?

The word on the street is that they have not yet "found a revenue model". In other words, they make no money. They seem very dot com 1.0 unconcerned with this. That obviously cannot last.

The speculation on how to fix that tend to be either focused advertising




or Google type data mining models (you can detect trends very
quickly on twitter). These can obviously be combined; who knows if they would be sufficient.

This discussion about (ab)using a publicly available message system which isn't currently being charged for would makes me worried^Wamused as hell.

I don't think it violates the terms of use. But, yes, as I said before, this is a service that goes down. I would not rely on it as the only way to communicate.

(Not that I can't see possible ways of making money off twitter - especially if you offer reliable message dissemination services to companies for a fee,
but AFAIK they aren't doing this at the moment.)

No. I haven't even heard this mentioned as a possible revenue model. Good idea, though.



Marshall Eubanks
CEO / AmericaFree.TV

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