On Jul 5, 2009, at 6:23 AM, Roland Perry wrote:

In article <4a4fd58b.2000...@gmail.com>, JC Dill <jcdill.li...@gmail.com > writes
Even easier, you make an email address on your system that is an alias to posterous. So they send to "p...@schoolsystem.edu" which .forwards out to posterous, which posts to the school blog, myspace, facebook, twitter,

It doesn't have any of those, that's the point really.

Is twitter the one I should get them started with first?

I would say this partially would depend on how and what you want to communicate. If there is just going to be one pronouncement per day (the school is up / down / delayed), then facebook and / or myspace would suggest themselves. They are to date free, and the students will know what they are. I would start with facebook.

If you look at the #AuthorizeNet situation, there was a lot of back and forth. Will the schools have a need for back and forth ? If they do, then, yes, twitter might be part of the solution and you might start with it. It's free, cross-platform, and you can also assume that the students (if not their parents) know what it is. This might also be a good for teachers and
the school to communicate, say by DM (direct messages).

Note that this will take people answering questions / dealing with issues on twitter. Specifically, someone would have
to  pay attention
to it during any quasi-emergency period - do the schools have such a person ?

Also, if the school looses power in a storm, is there a backup means of getting to the Internet ?


Show them how a radio station can retweet the info

It's have to be automated as there are hundreds to do over a periods of a few tens of minutes (the schools don't generally announce they are closing until they see how many teachers made it to work, and that's not long before they have to open - students get marked down for being late, even in bad weather, so can't delay setting out from home; it's an interesting operational model.)

and then announce "to get info on school closings, follow us on twitter at...."

http://twitter.com/trentfmnews (but it's not exactly high traffic)

and everyone can send the info TO the radio station and get the info FROM the radio station quickly and easily.

The radio station would probably be overwhelmed if they got much more than one tweet per school.

I don't think it has. All they ever hear about other Web2.0 like Facebook and Bebo is how dangerous they are for kids.

Sheesh. Cars and bikes are far more dangerous for kids than Facebook and Bebo. That's why kids are taught the rules of the road, to always wear bike helmets, to always buckle up in the car, and they get driver training.

Part of my day job is getting that sort of training about using the Internet, into schools. So far most of them have only got as far as teaching the students how to operate Powerpoint (yes I know that's not an Internet application), and installing filters to try to keep them off YouTube during lessons.

But I'm beginning to think that finally maybe Twitter has the right profile for this application.

Again, why limit yourself?  Use all the tools available.

One step at a time :)
Roland Perry

Marshall Eubanks
CEO / AmericaFree.TV

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