Glen Turner wrote:

I wouldn't recommend importing the switches through your luggage.
The few times I've tried that arranging all of the documentation
prior to travel has really sucked.
YMMV - I had no problems arranging the documentation.
As a trivial example of what can
go wrong, if you unknowingly choose an airport where customs works
9am-5pm and your flight arrives at 2am, then you've got a rather
long wait in the walkway between Immigration and Customs. So long
a wait that you're likely to encounter some other difficulty from
the airport authorities.

FUD. I have never encountered an International Airport where Immigration & Customs Enforcement was closed during the hours that International flights arrived. Everyone who arrives on an International flight (there may be some exceptions for flights to/from Canada and Mexico because of NAFTA) MUST go thru ICE after they get off the flight. The whole flight would be held up if ICE were not open.

The main thing that "can go wrong" is you don't have the right paperwork for your switches and have to pay more customs duty than you would if you had the proper paperwork. Otherwise it's no different than carrying more than 1 laptop, or expensive camera gear, or jewelry, or any other expensive item with you thru an International airport when you travel.


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