
I said it could be, not that it is. Thanks for pointing that out. However, I
believe the reason they are being blocked at AT&T is the main reason I supplied
on my first post. The DDoS attack issue is the main ticket here. It's not
because of content, or to piss people off. It's to protect their network, as any
of you would do when you got DDoSed on your own networks. It's damage control,
essentially, until they find out who is involved and block them, then they'll
likely lift the block. This ISN'T the first time this has happened. Especially
to 4chan. You can check their status page and see most of the entries revolve
around them being down because of DDoS attacks.


Shon Elliott
Senior Network Engineer
unWired Broadband, Inc.

Seth Mattinen wrote:
> Shon Elliott wrote:
>> Jamie,
>> Unfortunately, that's not easy with wireless backbones. The customers
>> don't have
>> their own "port". I also know for fact that 4chan is in the process of
>> moving,
>> so what you're seeing could just be that. Them moving.
> This is definitely not "them moving":
> traceroute: Warning: has multiple addresses; using
> traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
>  1  207.264 ms  258.116 ms  174.721 ms
>  2  141.205 ms  46.683 ms  41.622 ms
>  3  * * *
>  4  * * *
>  5  * * *
>  6  * * *
> Traceroute from an ATT DSL account.
> ~Seth

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