Because most of the net libertarians insist that they should do
whatever they want and everyone else should help cater to them.

Liberty for me but not for thee.

On 7/27/09, Jon Lewis <> wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Jul 2009, William Pitcock wrote:
>> It is widely known that AT&T loves censorship.  They love censorship
>> because it is profitable for them to love censorship, and this isn't the
>> first time they have enmasse blocked access to a website they didn't
>> like.  This has nothing at all to do with forged ACK responses, and
>> everything to do with content.
> How does breaking things (censorship) make them more money?
>> AT&T does not have the right to filter what their users can access,
>> period.  You can put all the spin on it that you want, but in the end
>> it's about content.
> Whatever happened to "My network, my rules?"  If AT&T blocks something,
> and as an AT&T customer, you don't like it, get your connectivity from
> someone else.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Jon Lewis                   |  I route
>   Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
>   Atlantic Net                |
> _________ for PGP public key_________

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