>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bradley Freeman [mailto:bradley.free...@csirt.ja.net]
>Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 6:37 AM
>To: 'NANOG'
>Subject: RE: Botnet hunting resources
>I surprised that nobody has mentioned the work of shadowserver.org,
>able to send reports of malware infections on your networks (see
>http://www.shadowserver.org/wiki/pmwiki.php/Services/Reports). The
>has proved to a brilliant tool in mitigating various forms of malware
>as Conficker with almost 0% false positives.
[TLB:] ThreatSTOP are a Shadowserver partner, and they, along with the
Cyber_TA project @ SRI, are the source of our botnet C&C block list. 

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