Perhaps the most practical service for both broadband and ALWAYS-on voice
service is one pair of copper (POTS) and one pair of fiber everything-else
per house.

Does anyone have a ballpark guess on the incremental cost of a strand-mile
(assuming the ditch is going to be dug and the cable put in it, how much
does the per-mile cost of the cable go up for each additional strand in it)

If the fiber pair goes all the way from some reasonably concentrated
location to the house, then excessive locations with batteries should not be


On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Jack Bates <> wrote:

> Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
>> The problem is that if you break down the costs, you'll find out that
>> it almost doesn't matter what you put in as a cost of the total build;
>> the big costs are the engineering and the labor to install, not the
>> "cost of the NID" or anything like that.  Nobody cares whether you
>> saved a million bucks on a 2 billion dollar project.
> Errr, I've yet to meet a rural ILEC that doesn't take the cost of the NID
> splitter vs inline splitters into account. ILECs will argue over a single
> $1/customer, and rightfully so. The cost of the FTTH NID adds considerably
> to the price per customer. In addition, it generates additional maintenance
> costs maintaining batteries. I've yet to hear an ILEC suggest that they not
> have batteries in the NID to support the voice in power outages. Batteries
> have shelf lives, and maintaining one per household is definitely more
> costly than maintaining the batteries to power the remotes.
> Getting rid of costs, FTTH uses more power, and most of the people I've
> talked to said we can't feed it from the remotes even via copper mixed with
> the fiber. This creates issues when we need to provide service. Everyone
> always badmouth's the whole emergency phone thing, but we take it seriously
> in the rural areas where power outages are not uncommon, natural disasters
> are expected, and we are the ONLY utility that continues to function.
> Jack
>  One of the cool things about the infrastructure that is now in place
>> (copper pairs) is that it turned out to be relatively future-proof -
>> lots of 50 and 70 year old OSP still in use.  In order to get
>> similarly long life out of newly installed fiber assets, the only real
>> solution is home runs to either existing or newly constructed
>> concentration points (not just a box at the side of the road, that's
>> not what I'm talking about here).  Distributed splitter designs force
>> forklift upgrades when the Next Big Thing comes along, rather than
>> upgrading the service only for folks who are willing to pay for it.
>> The Next Big Thing is always coming, and 2.4 Gbit/sec down per port
>> GPON is gonna look awfully slow 10 years hence when everyone's
>> demanding gigabit ethernet to the desktop, not to mention 20 years
>> from now with IPv6 multicast of 2000 channels of 4320p pr0n.
>> I used to believe in the FTTC (fiber to the curb) model too - it's the
>> "obvious" solution.  That was before I started cranking the numbers
>> myself, playing with some of the new splicing solutions that are out
>> there that require *far* less finesse than the cam-splice stuff I was
>> using 10 years ago.  Now I believe in the "other" FTTC (fiber to the
>> couch).
>> Get it as far out into the field as you possibly can, right up to,
>> or even inside, the house.
>> -r
>> Jack Bates <> writes:
>>  heh. I've seen 3 different plans for FTTH in 3 different telco's;
>>> different engineering firms. All 3 had active devices in the
>>> OSP. Apparently they couldn't justify putting more fiber in all the
>>> way back to the office.
>>> Don't get me wrong. I've heard wonderful drawn out arguments
>>> concerning vendors that failed to properly handle Oklahoma summers or
>>> draw too much power.
>>> Brings up new PRO: active devices in the OSP providing longhaul
>>> redundancy on fiber rings
>>> Another PRO: simple, inexpensive NID
>>> Jack
>>> Robert Enger - NANOG wrote:
>>>> CON:  active devices in the OSP.
>>>> On 8/26/2009 12:06 PM, Jack Bates wrote:
>>>>> jim deleskie wrote:
>>>>>> I agree we should all be telling the FCC that broadband is fiber to
>>>>>> the home.  If we spend all kinds of $$ to build a 1.5M/s connection to
>>>>>> homes, it's outdated before we even finish.
>>>>> I disagree. I much prefer fiber to the curb with copper to the
>>>>> home. Of course, I haven't had a need for 100mb/s to the house
>>>>> which I can do on copper, much less need for gigabit.
>>>>> Pro's for copper from curb:
>>>>> 1) power over copper for POTS
>>>>> 2) Majority of cuts occur on customer drops and copper is more
>>>>> resilient to splicing by any monkey.
>>>>> Jack

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