> Rod Beck wrote:
> > What is EAPS?
> A joke of a "standard" and something to be avoided at all costs.  I 
> would echo the last part about Extreme switches too.

Disagree. I don't believe anybody would claim EAPS is a "standard"
just because an RFC has been published. In any case, EAPS is working
quite well for us, with rapid L2 rerouting in ring based structures.
And *much* simpler than RSTP/MST. Or VPLS, for that matter.

As for Extreme switches - they have their strengths and weaknesses,
just like any other product. We use lots of Summit X450/X450a, for
L2 only, and have been generally reasonably happy with them. If I
could buy a similarly featured product from Cisco, for a similar
price, I might well choose Cisco. But at least in our case Cisco
*doesn't* have a competitive product (case in point: ME3400 - too
few ports, too few MAC addresses, funky licensing even if you just
want to do simple QinQ).

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sth...@nethelp.no

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