The story is covered by PC mag:
... major Dutch ISPs have agreed to share information and establish a common set of rules for responding to users infected with malware, especially those in botnets. The agreement, called a "treaty" by locals, involves 14 ISPs covering 98% of the market.

A major reason ISPs are hesitant to take deliberate measures against such systems is that they are afraid that disconnecting users and making them spend time and money cleaning up their systems will only drive them into the hands of competitors. And the support process itself is expensive, probably wiping out the profit from that user. But with such high coverage of the market users may not have permissive alternatives.

This will be an interesting phenomenon to watch. If it is successful perhaps it could work here too."

I couldn't find the story in English in a version that did not link to my original post, I waited a few days to see if anyone else picks it up, as I don't want yet another self-promotion fight. No one I found in under 2 minutes on Google did, so this second-hand link should do.



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