On Fri, Oct 09, 2009 at 12:05:57PM -0400, Kevin Loch wrote:
> Greg Hankins wrote:
>> We also started a Wiki with content based on the presentation that has
>> more updated information, including a current list of vendor support.
>> If you see a vendor missing, let us know and we can update the list.
>> Or better yet, create an account and add some content yourself :-).
>> http://as4.cluepon.net/index.php/Main_Page
> While it's good to see support _finally_ in 2.2SX, I still don't see it
> in 12.2SR (for rsp720).  It's almost like Cisco has no idea how
> many of these things are actually used on the Internet.

Or, more plausibly, they know exactly how many there are out there, and how
much they'd be able to make if everyone were forced to upgrade.

- Matt

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