On 13/10/09 15:32 -0500, Justin Shore wrote:
one like the BARs. Occam did it right. They didn't try to pretend to be in the router business. They stuck with L2.

Occam did it partially right. They're half-bridging only - not true layer 2
to an aggregator (which is not necessary in their scenario). The problem
with the access vendor doing half-bridging is that they have to be very
layer-3 smart, and Occam was not quite there for IPv6 last time I worked
with them (about 6 months ago).

It's no secret; I do not recommend Pannaway products based on my firsthand experience. Their SE actually told us 2 years ago that IPv6 was a fad and would never be adopted.

I haven't really been happy with any DSL vendor's response to my questions
about IPv6. We happened to choose Calix, which is not particularly IPv6
friendly, but were successful in getting commitments from them to support
IPv6 pass through.

I have little doubt that Pannaway could implement IPv6, they just need to
get enough demand from customers to make it worth their while.

Dan White

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