On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 7:07 PM, Nathan Ward <na...@daork.net> wrote:
> On 20/10/2009, at 3:02 PM, Bill Stewart wrote:
>> plus want the ability to take their address
>> space with them when they change ISPs (because there are too many
>> devices and applications that insist on having hard-coded IP addresses
>> instead of using DNS, and because DNS tends to get cached more often
>> than you'd sometimes like.
> That's why we have Unique Local Addresses.

This is the opposite problem - ULAs are for internal devices, and what
businesses often want is globally routable non-provider-owned public
addresses.  If you've got a VPN tunnel device, too often the remote
end will want to contact you at some numerical IPv4 address and isn't
smart enough to query DNS to get it.

And even though most enterprises these days only use registered
addresses outside the firewall and not inside the firewall, it's still
a pain to have to renumber everything and wait for everybody's DNS
caches to expire, so if you're using Provider-independent IP
addresses, it's much easier to tell your ISP "Sorry, ISP A, I've got a
better price from ISP B and I'll move all my stuff if you don't beat
their price."  (Of course, customers like that are often telling ISP B
"You'll have to be X% cheaper/faster/somethinger than ISP A or I'll
just stay where I am" and telling ISP C "My main choices are ISP A and
ISP B but I'd take a lowball quote very seriously...")

             Thanks;     Bill

Note that this isn't my regular email account - It's still experimental so far.
And Google probably logs and indexes everything you send it.

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