>  WRT "Anycast DNS"; Perhaps a special-case of ULA, FD00::53?
>>>>  Needs an acronym ... off the top of my head, something like ASPEN -
Anycast Service Provisioning for Enterprise Networks ... ?
(Although it could be appropriate for an ISP-HomeUser as well ... hmmm,
SPATULA - Service Provisioning - Anycast, Transparent, Unique Local, Anycast
... )

<<major snipping>>

> Exactly, seems easy, straight forward, robust, reliable and allows for
>>> things like fate sharing and fail over.
>> I have no major thoughts either way as to exactly where the range comes
> from other than it should be an easy to spot, and easy to type range which
> suggests plenty of 0's :)
I don't have any "major thoughts" on this either, still thinking out lout /
rambling. :)


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