I was recently brought onto a project where some failover is desired, but I 
think that the number of connections provisioned is excessive.  Also hoping to 
get some guidance with regards to how well I can get the failover to actually 
work.  So currently 4 X 100Mb/s Internet connections have been provisioned.  
One is to be used for general Internet, out of the organisation, it also 
terminates VPNs from remote sites belonging to the organisation and some 
publicly accessible servers -routed DMZ and translated IPs.  Second Internet 
connection to be used for a separate system which has a site-to-site VPN to a 
third party support vendor.  Internet connections 3 and 4 are currently thought 
of as providing backups for one and two.  Both connections firewalled by a 
Juniper SSG of some description.

Now I couldn't get any good answers as to why Internet connections 1 and 2 need 
to be separate.  I think the idea was to make sure that there was enough 
bandwidth for the third party support VPN.  I feel that I can consolidate this 
into one connection and just use rate limiting to reserve some portion of the 
bandwidth on the connection and this should be fine.  Now if I was to do this 
then I can make a case for just having one backup Internet connection.  However 
I'm still concerned about failover and reliability issues.  So my questions 
regarding this are:

- Should I make sure that the backup Internet connection is from a separate 

- How can I acheive a failover which doesn't require me to change all the 
remote VPN endpoints in case of a failover?  Its possible to configure failover 
VPNs on the Junipers, which should take care of this, but how do I take care of 
the DMZ hosts and external translation?

- In fact I think I'm asking what are my options with regard to failover 
between one Internet connection and the other?

I'm hoping to figure out whether adding an extra Internet connection actually 
gives us that much, in fact whether it justifies the complexity and spend.

Many Thanks for your comments.


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