Anyone volunteer to FedEx Scott here a tin foil hat?? If not, I'll be happy to 
provide one... *cue xfiles theme....*

Sent from my Blackberry. Please execute spelling errors.

----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Weeks <>
To: <>
Sent: Thu Dec 03 22:14:57 2009
Subject: Re: news from Google

: belongs to the US Army

look at AS 666.  At least they know their position in the universe.

: IMHO that's where we are heading with google taking over every service 

Only if you let them.  DBS (don't be sheep)

At the most basic minimum manage your cookies. Just a quick search (not with 
google) gives:  (you'll see a LOT of 
_utm<x> type cookies as soon as you start watching them)

There are many other companies out there that know more about you than you 
think possible.  Small example: Do you allow third party cookies unfettered 
access to what you do?


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